新年, New Year!

Happy New Year of 2015!!!! 



I do wish everyone a great year and enjoy the awesome year of sheep!!! May the force be with you, always. 

I went to Paris this winter break for 2 weeks and 1 week of that was spent in Switzerland. 

-20 there on the top of Tiltis... woooo Freezing..

I roughly took around 2400 photos this trip and having a realllllllllllly hard time to choose and post.. 

SO I will post the one that I think I like the most on here first.. just the first two.

These photos were taken in Switzerland when our bus was stopping on the way. 

Sad to say, but I will take a bit more time to choose pictures hahahahahah  


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and you too!!! the pics are really surprising me too!
