FOOD PORN 39 Avocado Carbonara

This was a really random dish of the week. I found a half price meat and I just went... Hmmmm lets cook this! so HERE it IS!

これはですねー 全然様子見ないで作りました。ただ肉が半額だったので! カルボナラーです!

Mom and Dad came over to Japan!

This was back in August but I forgot to upload it!

They came to Japan and got me these!! <3 mom and dad! and of course, my brother too!

FOOD PORN 38 Veggies Hamburger

This time I wanted to eat like.. MEAT and... VEGGIES so ahaha I created something really chaos on this plate but tasted really good!


The recipe is very similar to what I had before.

Minced pork
green pepper
garlic powder
black pepper
a bit of salt

for random decoration, I used bell pepper and apple

Prepare everything in a bowl, basically add the spices, egg, cheese and everything else together. Mix them. 

After finishing up the mixing and you think that they are just about right, wrap them in the wrapping plastic in the shape that you want it to be. 

Here is my random part hahahaha I just try out several things on how to cut this and that and what is good in what shape. You know, trial and error. 

The rabbit was not my first try, but took me a while to get it in the right shape. I ended up eating so much apple before anything started because i could not get the shape right .... 

Cook the bell pepper with olive oil. nothing else. 

randomly place these.

Cook the burger! 


If you are hungry after reading this post, do eat! 

FOOD PORN 37 -Salmon Pasta

Because I want to try something new and I really want to eat Pasta and Avocado!!!
SOOOO!!! I made this new pasta with pesto sauce!

これは新しいパスタのレジピです! 内容は後でします!とりあえず!バジルソースとアボカドと生サーモンと野菜!美味しさは最高!!!!!

FOOD PORN 36 -Dinner Set

Another friend came over and ready to eat anything, just anything!

So i decided to randomly chose food to make and these are the result!!!!!

