FOOD PORN - 3 - The Hulk Smash


This will be my 3rd entries on this particular topic. I love cooking….

So, the menu today will be

MY OWN WEIRD PASTA! Let’s name it… 
The Hulk Smash!

Not ever pasta has its name. Often, these pasta has its name originated from the base sauce that is used for. I do think that my pasta also does the same. The pasta that I will be showing today has pesto sauce as its base. So it will look green-ish.

The roughly ingredients:
Raw pasta
Fish, any fish really. The one I am using has discount from the supermarket, so I picked them.
Olive oil
Something to decorate it, for me, I used Basil

The cooking process are as below,


Because raw pasta only take approximately 2 mins to cook, so I spent around 10 mins to cook the fish before start boiling the pasta. 

This process can be depending on what kind of fish you are using and how do you want to eat them. This particular fish takes quite sometimes to cook.

I do not cook the pasta together with the fish because it will break the shape, so I took the fish out and left only garlic and the left over oil on the pan. Cook the spinach and garlic for a while then just throw the pasta in the pan once they are cooked enough.
Spice the pasta with Pesto sauce, pepper, salt, other spices
Get them out of the pan and topped with fish you cooked previously!


Now you start wondering why I explain entire process hahaha. Easy! One of my friend asked me to explain each steps roughly. So here it is! I hope you like it.

After you read this post, I do hope you are hungry.

If you are hungry! Don’t forget to eat! Eating is good for your health!