FOOD PORN - 4 - Peperonchino

At this point of time, I think that I write too much about food lately haha!

These are just something that I want to share with everyone. Living here with only Japanese food (eating outside) might damage your health due to MSG or damage your wallet greatly. That is why I decide to minimized all these and just cook them all myself.

They are sometimes expensive and cost time to do so, but I do not regret any of it. They are tasty and somehow, healthy. (Disregard all the pasta because they are not that healthy but they are cheap instead hahaha).

Alright, today pasta is the basic of all pasta,

Peperoncino ペペロンチーノ

This pasta has nothing much into it other than chili and garlic and some spices.

Ingredients are as follow:
Pasta, any really, this dish is the simplest that you do not need to worry much!
Olive oil

That is all. Other than that is just the amount of salt you want to adjust

How to make?


Just fried Garlic together with chopped chili, spice this process with salt!

USE SMALL HEAT! Else everything will burn to hell. I am serious.

Just add cooked pasta into it later then spice again with salt and other things.


It is just that easy with this dish, nothing to worry about right?
However, the down side of this dish is that you will not get that much of nutrients from it at all. Unless you add meat that is.

Hope you guys like it!

EXTRA! I have enough left for Bento !!! ahahahaha small one.

If you are hungry, please eat. Don’t let your stomach crave for food!